Our activities


Due to legal and economic changes a strong advocacy group for German insurance brokers is of existential importance. VDVM works in different ways on a national and international level to represent and support the professional interests of its members. Furthermore, the association offers a variety of different services for its members.

The activities of the association for the profession

It works on a federal and state level for a legislation that safeguards the interests of the insurance broker, e.g. in case of hearings and by comments.

It exchanges information and ideas with federal ministries, the Federal Supervisory Authority for Financial Services as well as central associations and organisations of the insurance business such as GDV (German Insurance Federation) IHKs (Chamber of Industry and Commerce)/DIHKs (German Chamber of Industry and Commerce).

It is represented in the insurance council of the Federal Supervisory Authority for Financial Services and in the so-called Committee of Assignment of Tasks in accordance with the Insurance Broking Act (VersVermV).

It networks with other associations of intermediaries such as BVK, the Federal Association of German Insurance Representatives and VGA, the Federal Association of German Insurance Executives in respect of all important questions relating to insurance intermediaries

The association is in close contact to representatives of insurance companies thus contributing to a better mutual understanding.

Furthermore, VDVM works in many national and international panels and institutions to enforce the interests of the insurance brokers:

In Germany these are for example the community committee for the insurance field force of the GDV discussing legal questions in respect of sales and insurance with insurers and other associations of intermediaries which have a direct impact on intermediaries and their customers.

VDVM works on an international level together with BIPAR, the Bureau International des Producteurs d’Assurances & de Réassurances and is represented in the so-called steering committee. This especially applies to the European Regulation of Intermediaries as well as to questions relating to professional practices and taxes.

As a member of the Federal Association of the Economy of Services, VDVM has got various possibilities of lobbying activities to support the interests of the small and medium-sized businesses.

By means of public relation and advertisement VDVM promotes the reputation of the professional insurance broker as highly qualified profession in the service sector.

VDVM advocates an education which assures quality and which is specific to brokers. For this reason VDVM has developed the education „certified insurance broker“. Furthermore the association is connected in many aspects with BWV, the Professional Association of the German Insurance Business and DMA, the German Broker Academy.

Once a year VDVM invites specialised journalists of all important newspapers and magazines to attend a press conference for exchanging ideas and information about today’s chances and challenges in the insurance business.