Bundesverband Deutscher Versicherungsmakler e.V. (BDVM)
Association of German Insurance Brokers
Admiralitätstraße 58
20459 Hamburg
Phone: +49 (0)40/36 98 20 – 0
Fax: +49 (0)40/36 98 20 – 22
Email: bdvm@bdvm.de
Homepage: www.bdvm.de
Authorized representative
Managing Director Dr. Hans-Georg Jenssen
Legal form
Registered association
Registration number
VR 3589 (*)
Association register Hamburg
lead by:
Registration court Hamburg
Caffamacherreihe 20
20355 Hamburg
(*) to review in the central register of Germany: www.handelsregister.de
17/435/01736 (tax and revenue office Hamburg)
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The following applies to all links of these pages: We would like to stress that we have no influence on the creation and content of websites of other providers reached by links of our homepage and we shall not adopt them as our own. This applies to all pages of this homepage and appropriate links.
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Editorial responsibility
Dr. Hans-Georg Jenssen